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问题 中外合资经营企业合营期限暂行规定(附英文)
    【颁布单位】 经贸部
    【颁布日期】 19901022
    【实施日期】 19901022
    【章名】 规定
    第一条 根据《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》(一九九○年
    第二条 举办中外合资经营企业(以下简称合营企业),属于国家规
    第三条 举办合营企业,属于下列行业或者情况的,合营各方应当依
    (一) 服务性行业的,如饭店、公寓、写字楼、娱乐、饮食、出租
    (二) 从事土地开发及经营房地产的;
    (三) 从事资源勘查开发的;
    (四) 国家规定限制投资项目的;
    (五) 国家其他法律、法规规定需要约定合营期限的。
    第四条 合营各方在合营合同中不约定合营期限的合营企业,按照国
    第五条 合营各方在合营合同中不约定合营期限的合营企业,经税务
    第六条 在本规定施行之前已经批准设立的合营企业,按照批准的合
    第七条 本规定自发布之日起施行。
    【题注】 (Approved by the State Council on September 30, 19
    90 and promul-gated by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Rela
    tions and Trade of thePeople's Republic of China on October
    22, 1990)
    【章名】 Important Notice: (注意事项)
    英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的
    当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.This E
    nglish document is coming from "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF
    ERS" (1991.7)which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislati
    ve Affairs of the StateCouncil of the People's Republic of Chi
    na, and is published by the ChinaLegal System Publishing House.I
    n case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall pre
    【章名】 Whole Document (法规全文)INTERIM PROVISIONS CONCER
    pproved by the State Council on September 30, 1990 and promul-
    gated by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trad
    e of thePeople's Republic of China on October 22, 1990)Article
    1These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the pr
    ovisions ofArticle 12 of the Law of the People's Republic of Ch
    ina on Chinese-ForeignEquity Joint Ventures (Amended at the
    Third Session of the SeventhNational People's Congress on Ap
    ril 4, 1990).Article 2As regards the establishment of Chinese-
    foreign equity joint ventures(hereinafter referred to as joi
    nt ventures), the parties to a jointventure which is engag
    ed in investment projects encouraged and permittedby the Chine
    se government, except as stipulated in Article 3 of thesePr
    ovisions, may decide, through consultation, to or not to pres
    cribe acontract period in the contract.Article 3As regards the
    establishment of joint ventures, the parties to a jointventu
    re, which falls under one of the following lines of business or
    oneof the following circumstances, shall prescribe in their co
    ntract, throughconsultation, a contract period in accordance wit
    h the provisions of therelevant laws and regulations of the st
    ate:(1) service trades, such as hotels, apartments, offic
    e buildings,recreation and entertainment, catering trade, tax
    i service, developmentand printing of colour films and
    photos, maintenance, businessconsultancy, etc.;(2) joint ve
    ntures engaged in land development and real estate;(3) joint ven
    tures engaged in the prospecting and development of naturalres
    ources;(4) joint ventures engaged in projects subject to invest
    ment restrictionas stipulated by the state;(5) joint ventures f
    or which a contract period shall be decided, throughconsultati
    on, as prescribed by other laws and regulations of the state.Art
    icle 4Joint ventures, the parties to which decide, through consu
    ltation, not toprescribe a contract period in their contract,
    shall be examined andapproved in accordance with the state
    regulations concerning the limits ofpowers and procedures for ex
    amination and approval. With the exception ofthose joint ventur
    es to be directly examined and approved by the Ministryof Forei
    gn Economic Relations and Trade, other examining and approvi
    ngauthorities shall, report within 30 days, any such application
    s they haveexamined and approved to the Ministry of Foreign Ec
    onomic Relations andTrade for the record.Article 5Joint ventur
    es, the parties to which decide, through consultation, not topr
    escribe a contract period in their contract, may enjoy the pref
    erentialtreatment of reduction of or exemption from taxes in acc
    ordance with thestate provisions concerning taxation and with
    the approval of the taxauthorities. In cases where the actu
    al term of operation of these jointventures fails to reach th
    e number of years set by the state for enjoyingthe preferential
    treatment of taxation, the joint ventures concernedshall,
    according to law, pay the taxes which have been exempted
    orreduced.Article 6Joint ventures, whose establishment was app
    roved before these provisionsbecome effective, shall operate i
    n accordance with the approved contractperiod stipulated in th
    e contract. However, as regards a joint venturewhich does no
    t come under one of the circumstances specified in Article 3of
    these Provisions, in the event that the parties to the joint
    ventureagree unanimously to modify the stipulation in the contra
    ct concerning thecontract period, and to re-stipulate the joint
    venture as one withoutcontract period, the parties to the j
    oint venture shall submit a report tojustify such a modification
    , sign an agreement on the modification of thecontract, and app
    ly to the original examining and approving authoritiesfor exa
    mination and approval. The original examining and approv
    ingauthorities shall, within 90 days as of the date of receipt
    of the saidapplication, decide to approve or disapprove it.
    After obtaining theapproval, the joint venture shall, in acc
    ordance with the stipulations ofArticle 4 of these Provisions,
    go through the procedures for the record.Article 7These Provisio
    ns shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.




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