问题 | 最新中英文版出生公证书模板(2022) |
释义 | 出生公证书,是指具有涉外公证业务权的公证处根据当事人的申请,依法对当事人出生的法律事实给予证明的活动。出生公证主要用于当事人办理移民、出国求学、谋职、继承财产、办理入籍手续等,是出国人员必备的公证书。当事人办理出生公证,应向其住所地或出生地的涉外公证处申请。已在国外的当事人,应向其在华最后住所地公证处提出申请。那么中英文版出生公证书模板是怎样的,法律网小编为您整理最新中英文版出生公证书模板,仅供参考,请看下文: 一 、 出生公证书(中英文对照模板) 出 生 公 证 书 (2010)浙开证外字第***号 兹证明***,女,于***年***月***日在浙江省***县出生。***的父亲是***,***的母亲是***。 中华人民共和国浙江省***县公证处 公证员 二O一O年二月八日 NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH (Translation) (2010) ZKZWZ No. *** This is to certify that ***, female, was born in *** County, Zhejiang Province on July 4, 1989. Her father is *** and her mother is ***.. Notary: *** Signatory seal) *** County Notary Public Office Zhejiang Province The People’s Republic of China (Seal) February 8, 2010 二、中文版的出生公证书模板: 出生公证书 (20____)____证外字第____号 申请人:________,女,____年____月____日出生,居民身份证号码:____________,现住____________________。 公证事项:出生 兹证明张霞于____年____月____日在浙江省____县出生。____的父亲是____(公民身份证号码:____________),张霞的母亲是________(公民身份证号码:____________)。 中华人民共和国____省____县公证处 公证员:________ 二0____年____月____日 三、英文版的出生公证书模板: NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH (20____) ____ , no.____ applicant: ____, female, born on ____, citizen’s identity card no.: ____, living at no.**, ____road, ____ town, ____ county, ____ province. relative: ____, male, born on ____, citizen’s identity card no.: ____, living at no.____, ____ village, ____ town, ____ county, ____ province. issue under notarization: kinship this is to certify that ____ is the father of ____; ____ is the mother of ____. notary public office, ____ county, ____ province the people’s republic of china notary public: ________ |
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